About us

We are Cine y Palomitas

At Cine y Palomitas, we’re a team of professionals who are passionate about movies, TV shows, and everything related to the audiovisual world and its intricacies. Our love for the seventh art has driven us to create this information portal to share our humble knowledge with the rest of the world and keep all those people who enjoy this medium as much as we do informed.

At Cine y Palomitas, you can stay updated on the latest news, novelties, and lots of interesting facts related to the small and big screen. We strive every day to provide our users with quality content, fun, and entertainment so that they can make the most of their time with us.

Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, take your seats, and let the show begin!

The Team

Israel Garcia Ramirez (El gato que comió moras)

Israel García Ramírez

An eighties kid born in Jaén. A hobbyist writer and a movie expert. But undoubtedly, my great passion is spreading knowledge. As a writer and co-founder of Cine y palomitas, I have the freedom to pursue my vocation and contribute, as much as possible, my knowledge about movies, TV shows, or any type of audiovisual content. I like to think that I treat this medium with the seriousness it deserves, always keeping humor and satire in sight.

Carlos Moya Pérez

Co-founder of Cine y Palomitas, writer, and social media manager. If I had to define myself with a phrase… “Any time in the past was better.” I declare myself an authentic fan of the series and movies from my childhood. I’m here to bring nostalgia and comedy but never losing sight of current affairs and good information.